Message from the Principal
Message from the Principal

Waseda Shibuya Senior High School
Prof. Dr. Hatsue Shinohara
High school is the most significant time in which youths mature to adulthood, both physically and mentally. It is the time when they need to learn to broaden their scope to encompass others in addition to looking deeply at their own circumstances. In this key period of their lives, the students must navigate their way to their futures in Singapore; away from their motherland of Japan. Therefore, the responsibility upon the educators at Waseda Shibuya Senior High School is profound. In order to fulfill our duty, we focus on the building the students’ independence, integrity and global outlook.
First of all, this school’s core philosophy of self-awareness and independent thought is instilled upon the students. High school students are flexible and impressionable therefore can be inculcated with a desire for more knowledge and introspection. They must be taught that knowledge cannot be attained with a passive attitude towards learning. We encourage our students to search for answers in order to have a higher level of comprehension. By challenging themselves, they will actively build inner strength which forms the foundation of character.
Second, we strive to enhance the academic ability and righteousness of each student. As an affiliate of Waseda University, this school offers a direct pathway for enrolment. However, we fully understand that there are other paths for our students. It is our responsibility to enhance our students’ academic abilities so they are able to apply to other prestigious private and national universities. We impart a high level of education and measure their capabilities to enable their dreams for their futures to become a reality; they are able to go to whichever university they choose. In addition to education, our goal is to produce fine, morally upright students who can empathize with others in addition to sharing their joys.
Finally, we aim to nurture our students to become global citizens. Our students attend high school in Singapore, a fully established leading global city, and thus have different experiences from students who study in Japan. In order to help our students make use of their experiences in Singapore later in their lives, we do our best to make our curriculum and school events meaningful and memorable. The English language curriculum has been developed to enable our students to acquire practical English abilities through the lessons.
These three objectives are the heart of our school. We aspire for our students to discover exactly what they want to do in the future and move toward the next stage of their lives with confidence. This is what we wish for our students.